Sunday, February 21, 2010

NES Programming - Day 1 - Complete

Whoa!! So I worked on my earlier proposal today...

Here is the current output, my take on hello world is in this case 'Hello Mega Man'

I have the directional pad able to move a sprite around but for some reason if I try to move it with more than one on the screen the one I'm trying to move won't. I'll hopefully figure it out tomorrow.

I'm pretty happy with the outcome as I've basically never done assembly and this is an excessively niche market ;)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

NES Programming - Day 1

So I've decided I'm going to start work on writing a NES Emulator. I've always loved the system and I've always loved programming. I know its going to be a very very bumpy road. I have next to no experience with ASM (Assembly), but I think this would be the most treasure filled way to learn. I think my first steps will be in writing at least a hello world as a ROM for an existing NES emulator. This will hopefully help me to understand how and where data is stored and utilized. There is an assembler for NES called NESASM.exe.

Overall Arc for Phase 1:

  1. Write a game for the NES

    • Text(Hello World)
    • Movable Sprite with directional keys
    • Animation change on A press
    • Sound Beeps

  2. Write a basic interpreter for a ROM

    • Load a Mario 1 Sprite and show it on the screen

  3. Improve it by booting to a main menu in a game (no sound)

    • Not sure which game yet, maybe I should focus on Mario 1

Babysteps #1:
  1. Output Hello World in top left of the screen. Have Nesticle open and run it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New Post?

Its been a long time. I'm currently working on a facebook game but since its not yet complete and I don't want to give it away I'll instead post my new websites logo (I made it)

Welcome to!

Basically I've written a couple iPhone games that are actually in the app store and one game on the Android platform.

I'll upload a couple screenshots when I get a moment.

If you have an iPhone search for 'epic android' and it will bring all the apps up. My favorite is highroller though.